Jaws, the classic american film, portrays the frightful events of a man-eating shark devastating a small island town. Throughout the film, Spielberg incorporates various types of shots as he conveys this frightful story. For example, in the very beginning, the whole scene of the boy chasing the girl is categorized by a series of medium shots. However, as this playful race into the water turns into a gruesome and mysterious shark attack, the camera changes to the first person view of the shark as it illustrates a close up of the girl in an underwater angle. This shift in viewpoint creates this mysterious tension as the audience senses the eventual death of the girl but does not know when.
Spielberg really has created something special here. In addition to the changing camera shots and angles, action and "special effects" (cheesy to most now) blend to make an exciting movie. From the excessive shark head barrages into the steel cage to the eventual oxygen tank explosion, Spielberg really gets the adrenaline pumping throughout the second half of the movie. Ultimately, great shotmaking combined with some action packed special effects scenes makes for a great movie.
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