The documentary viewed this week in class serves as a great example that demonstrates the portrayal of gay and lesbians in film. For a very long time, homosexuality in film was a taboo and was not shown much at all; however, smart directors were able to slip in coded scenes that a majority of the audiences did not catch. However, when the "sissy" came along, homosexuality was turned into a comedic effect. Many films used the sissy to create comedic situations as the sissy did not fit into any certain category. Now films such as "Brokeback Mountain" do portray homosexuality and issues that are faced in today's society. Homosexuality in film started as a taboo but slowly emerged as an acceptable topic in film. Smart directors use subtle references in certain scenes and slowly build up the topic and theme to make it more acceptable to audiences. Diana Fuss also links this to identity politics. "the tendency to base one's politics on a sense of personal identity-as gay, as Jewish, as Black, as female." The leads into Gay Activism as the gay community needed a unified identity for its organization.
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